I have finally been able to take and upload pictures of my room and my compound. I've been busy completing the base line survey of my community to see what types of projects they might be interested in doing and to learn more about my surroundings in general. When I am finished with that I'll post a summary about what I have learned. Also, I have finally gotten a new address. It is posted on the side bar, but here it is again:
Meghan Mize
B.P. 6
Ndioum, Senegal
West Africa
For now, enjoy these pictures of my house!
My bed, mosquito net, and some of my stuff |
My desk, clothes rack, and front door |
View from one of my windows |
View from the other window |
View from my front door onto my family's compound |
My bathroom |
My water jug, filter, and gas cook stove |
The wall where I keep all my stuff and pictures my niece and nephew drew me |
My desk (props if you can spot the D-unit) |
The shade structure and the building my room is in (behind the cows) |